Research Ethics

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that involves analysis of learning data can provide instructors with insights that inform improvements to their courses and curricula, and help identify impactful pedagogical approaches.  

Research leveraging learner data falls within the oversight of The University of Toronto’s Human Research Ethics Unit (HREU). The HREU website provides details on approval processes and requirements for research protocols.  

Research protocols may include the use of data collected through learning analytics reports, which are available to all instructors for courses taught using the Quercus platform, through New Analytics and the Quercus Data Insights dashboard.   

Accessing Institutional Data

For access to additional institutional data, including learning data not routinely available to instructors, please see information on requesting access published on the University’s Data & Analytics website. 

Any research that requires data that the investigator does not already have access to requires institutional approval via the Common Review Process (CRP). For non-routine uses of institutional data, such as scholarly research, the University has instituted the CRP to ensure that an appropriate level of review is given to the request for use of these data before permission is given. If you have any questions about this process, you may contact the Institutional Research and Data Governance Office at  

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